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Welcome to Helen’s Acres

We are a 24-acre vegetable farm in the heart of Kelowna, BC.

We work with volunteers to plant, weed and harvest a variety of fresh produce to donate directly to social agencies in our community.

“Generous persons will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed"

Proverbs 11:25


Creating community is the heart of our mission, and what better way to connect than getting messy and working with our hands? Being a community farm means providing the space and resources for individuals to come together and make a difference.

We are better together.


Whether it is demonstrating when to plant an onion, harvest broccoli or how brussels sprouts grow, we want to educate our community on the way their food is grown. Education also includes encouraging environmental initiatives, demonstrating of how our food system works, and calling attention to food insecurity in our community.


This project all began with a desire to feed people. It’s hard to imagine in our modern day world that fresh produce is hard to acquire, but it’s a reality for many families. We use the land to produce nutritious food and give it to those most in need, straight from the farm. Our top priority is to provide our community equal access to the highest quality of food.

Where it all started.

In 2015, Gordon and Helen Ziglar donated the land with a dream to provide food security. Click the video to hear the full story.
  • 2015

    Land donated by Gordone and Helen Ziglar

  • 2016

    Developed fencing, irrigation, preparation of the fields

    Removed over 1 million pounds of scrap equipment

    Planted 1/2 acre Legacy Foundation plot of potatoed producing over 16,000 pounds

    First partner, BC Fruit Tree Project, joined us on 1.2 acres

    Four incubator farms planted

  • 2017

    Expanded Foundation plot to 5 acres

    Welcomed partners Kelowna JCI's, Teas for Good, and Crop Circles: Growing to Give

  • 2018

    Added 3 acres to Legacy Foundation Plot

    Increased total production to 110,000 pounds

    Welcomed Partners Mamma's for Mamma's and Ozanam Recovery House

    Launched 50 hen chicken coop

  • 2019

    Chicken coop expanded to house 200 chickens

  • 2020

    Produced over 200,000 pounds of produce

    Added a large storage cooler

    Built picnic recreation area

    Expanded total fenced area

    Beautification of the surrounding grounds and pathways

  • 2021

    Added first large greenhouse

    Increased planting every year for 5 years

    New paid team and volunteer managment system

    New picnic tables

Helen's Acres Leadership Team

Scott Cochrane

Executive Director

Dan Connolly

Farm Ambassador

Kevin Mc Callum

Farm Supervisor

Cindy Polachic

Administrative Assistant

“Honour the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your harvest; […and] your barns will be filled with plenty […]”

Proverbs 3:9